Free features

All users have access to Outwrite's essential features which help identify basic errors in your writing.


Outwrite will check every word in your document against the English dictionary. If it finds a word it cannot identify, it will show up as an error underlined in red, and usually suggest an alternate spelling. 


Outwrite's advanced grammar checker will search your document for any grammatically incorrect phrases. This includes mistakes with tense, duplicated words and phrases, incorrect use of punctuation, incorrect phrases and subject verb disagreements. 

Personal Dictionary

Sometimes there are words specific to an industry or subject that are not included in the English dictionary that are, however, still correct. You can save these to your dictionary so that they will no longer be identified as an error. 


Outwrite can help you find alternative words, depending on the context of your sentence. Simply highlight or double-click on a word to view a list of synonyms.

Writing Statistics

Track helpful statistics such as word count, reading and speaking time, readability and grade level. These statistics can be found at the bottom left of the Outwrite Editor.


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